Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Mayor to Remember

                                                                               Mark Hwang
                                                                                                          Per 4.
 Newspaper Article Analysis “A Mayor to Remember”
                                                     (MLA Citation)
           The bigger the city, the more protection it needs. Mayor James K. Ahn took place as charge for the protection and took office. He is known as a busy man who won an election with 54% of the vote. Hahn won the election with 54% by cobbling together a collection of moderate to conservative white workers from San Fernando. As the mayor, he has a lot of duties to accomplish and fulfill the greater good for his people.
           “Crime has dropped to levels unseen since the 1950’s.” This quote means that every crime has dropped ever since this mayor came out of nowhere. It proves to be that this person has a greater success of becoming a stronger person and changing the city into a brighter and happier place. The improvements are far greater than what people see. Although, it doesn’t seem like anything, James Ahn has done and is doing as much as he can.
           “It’s hard to imagine today how different the LA world would be if it didn’t include San Fernando. Valley and Bratton wasn’t their chief.” However, while Bratton continued to provide for the city, there was some kind of knot tied on him, trying to bring him down. Bratton was James Ahn’s competition, who also seemed to be similar to James.
           “Risk your job every single day.” That’s what defines great leadership and great leaders. Mayor Ahn suddenly had to make a critical decision, whether to follow the government or the people. Without hesitation, Mayor Ahnautomatically chose the way of the people. The city is far better because of Brattons encouragement, and benefits from his courage. Although Bratton was competition, James considered him as a friend. He believed Bratton was a man full of strength and happiness.
           It’s not easy being a mayor, particularly in Los Angeles, where the issues a mayor handles with can range from fixing potholes and making sure traffic lights work to concerns about gang violence and how to keep Hollywood fans happy so they don’t take production jobs any other places.
           There were many candidates against James Hahn but in public opinion, his record is the best. “He’s James Hahn, who was mayor of L.A. between 2001 and 2005. During his years as mayor, Hahn confronted such issues as a campaign to break up the city, controversies over hiring a new police chief, and terrorism jitters in the aftermath of Setember 11th.”
           Los Angeles must understand the things Mayor Hahn had done for his people. “He has strength and is beautifully created,” said Los Angeles citizen. “If it wasn’t for James, everyone would be corrupted and untruthful.” Such Mayor should be honored and uplifted.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Advertisement issue

Sue Jozui's essay
         When people see an advertisement, they automatically have the heart to buy the product that is being advertised. However, Sue Jozui, thinks the reasoning behind this is because every advertisement is presented with a celebrity in it. She is strongly against this matter and suggests we boycott and legislate rules on advertisement. However, this kind of marketing isn’t misleading because the whole point of advertisement is to sell the product.
         First, advertisement is plainly business. Their main goal is to get the audience interested in buying the product. They would do anything in order to make the advertisement compelling and modern as possible. That is why they use celebrities in the first place. People tend to be attracted to celebrities which in case they advertise with one in order for people to be interested. Advertisement should be allowed to use celebrities to support a claim.
         Next Jozui said “The audience is expected to transfer approval of the celeb rity to approve of the product. This kind of marketing is misleading and insults the intelligence of the audience.” This is what advertisement is all about. They obviously expect the audience to buy the product. Without approval of what people like, how else would advertisement advertise their product? Also, it is the person’s choice whether to buy it or not. They advertisers advertise and it’s an option whether to buy it or not.
         There are many advertisements that people often see but don’t buy. It all depends on the audience. Advertising is just a job. They aren’t necessarily the ones who make the product. The creator pays the advertisers to advertise the product they make. There is no reason to boycott or legislate laws.

         Jozui sates that we should all boycott advertisement and legislate rules. However, it’s ludicrous to even suggest it. The use of celebrities should be allowed. Despite Jozui statement advertisers should be able to advertise with whoever they like.

College essay

Mark Hwang
  1. 4
        After college graduates have faced unemployment. People began to worry if college was worth the money or not. This problem has some people to question what they value about higher education. People began to worry if college was worth the money. Most high school students are pressured into attending college by either their parents or school. For me, I dont think its worth the cost. There are many reasons why people should not go to college because these sources convey multiple reasons why it is not.
                Going to college is not a bad thing but it is not required. Actually going to college can be a great experience for anyone and can help benefit your career. Crawford from Source A states, “Some people are hustled off to coln inclinations and natural bents…” He is stating the fact that there are students who don’t have the money to pay for college. Although the students must learn, college is not the only option out there.
       In source C, it shows a group titled “New College Graduates Losing Ground on Wages Starting from 1979 to now, the hourly wages increased and decreased throughout the years. This is basically showing how colleges can be fun, but it cants manage finance conflicts. But the chart on source C indicates that the hourly wage for students with no advanced degree has been rising. Some students were even paid money to not attend college.
             Theil was actually one of those people who thought colleges were often more beneficial. However after his success, he realized colleges weren’t the only option. Theil was convinced that social pressure led to innovations in the future. I believe Thiel changed his mind because he realized that colleges are just one of the factors that lead to success.
        There are many college graduates often in unemployment. This proves that colleges can be unhelpful .More and more college graduates are in unemployment. If it is up to the point where students are paid to not go to college, it already decides that college is not the only option in this. Despite the better education, college is not worth its cost.


Academic Autobiography
             Throughout the years of going to school and developing academically, no one was there to support me compare to my parents. Starting from my elementary years, I wasn’t always a good student. I was immature and I caused many troubles which made my parents worry. I didn’t really take my education seriously during my life. In elementary, I was probably one of the biggest troublemakers in school. Elementary doesn’t matter, but it’s where you learn the foundation of education. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and even spelling, you learn all this in elementary. But I honestly didn’t care which made my mother upset. I used to upset her all the time bringing terrible grades, but my mom never gave up on me.
             She continuously taught me and chastised me to become a better person. After I graduated elementary, I decided to try for once. That’s when I realized that in order for you to accomplish something, there needs to be a goal. If there’s no goal, there are no achievements. From then on my grades started to develop. I realized that my grades weren’t really the problem, because if tired, my grades wouldn’t have been a problem. I then started to make goals for myself. They weren’t big goals but every time I accomplished something, I made a bigger goal. Right now, my biggest goal is to go to UC Berkeley and become a prosecuting lawyer. Obviously, if I look at myself, it seems impossible, but my mother showed me that it wasn’t impossible. She was always there for me even if I had good or bad grades. This shows the heart of my mom. She had hope for something that didn’t seem possible, but currently I am still in high school achieving little goals I made for myself. This is beneficial and helps me grow to become a better person.

             In the future, I hope to grow academically so that I can also study and make achieve the little goals, I make in college. If I make it to UC Berkeley, I would thank my mom first because she is the one that helped me build a stable foundation to success.