Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Academic Autobiography
             Throughout the years of going to school and developing academically, no one was there to support me compare to my parents. Starting from my elementary years, I wasn’t always a good student. I was immature and I caused many troubles which made my parents worry. I didn’t really take my education seriously during my life. In elementary, I was probably one of the biggest troublemakers in school. Elementary doesn’t matter, but it’s where you learn the foundation of education. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and even spelling, you learn all this in elementary. But I honestly didn’t care which made my mother upset. I used to upset her all the time bringing terrible grades, but my mom never gave up on me.
             She continuously taught me and chastised me to become a better person. After I graduated elementary, I decided to try for once. That’s when I realized that in order for you to accomplish something, there needs to be a goal. If there’s no goal, there are no achievements. From then on my grades started to develop. I realized that my grades weren’t really the problem, because if tired, my grades wouldn’t have been a problem. I then started to make goals for myself. They weren’t big goals but every time I accomplished something, I made a bigger goal. Right now, my biggest goal is to go to UC Berkeley and become a prosecuting lawyer. Obviously, if I look at myself, it seems impossible, but my mother showed me that it wasn’t impossible. She was always there for me even if I had good or bad grades. This shows the heart of my mom. She had hope for something that didn’t seem possible, but currently I am still in high school achieving little goals I made for myself. This is beneficial and helps me grow to become a better person.

             In the future, I hope to grow academically so that I can also study and make achieve the little goals, I make in college. If I make it to UC Berkeley, I would thank my mom first because she is the one that helped me build a stable foundation to success.

1 comment:

  1. It's well organized and your sentence structure is concise and doesnt run off into useless details. The topics themselves are coherently presented and go along well together. Overall an the reader is well-informed about you.
